MindBridge named in Gartner Autonomous Accounting Hype Cycle
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February 2019

auditing profession
AI and technology

Democratizing financial and audit analytics with AI

PwC recently shared that in 2018 alone, 12 zettabytes of financial services industry (FSI) information was generated, but less than 0.5% was actually leveraged by businesses. This financial data explosion comes from an ever-increasing number of ERP and CRM systems employed by businesses and their partners, gathering and consolidating different payment, expense, inventory, and maintenance

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sample size in auditing
AI and technology

The human-AI relationship for CPAs: More, better, and faster

Every week I interview entrepreneurs and experts from around the world to share their big idea about new forms of value creation and the potential we can unlock when technology augments the unique strengths of people to deliver remarkable impact. Transforming financial auditing I got inspired by the big idea behind MindBridge Ai, hence I invited CTO, Robin

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