MindBridge named in Gartner Autonomous Accounting Hype Cycle
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March 2020

ICAEW Technology Accreditation for MindBridge

Why the ICAEW Technology Accreditation Scheme matters to you

It should come as no surprise that the accounting software market is exploding. With increasing demands on chartered accountants to be smarter, faster, and more data-driven than their peers, we’re seeing massive growth in available tools, and the leading-edge technologies behind them. This new landscape means that we’re in an age of faster time-to-market, constant

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information about auditor

How auditors use AI-driven financial ratios to understand risk

In times of great uncertainty, we all look for a crystal ball. Also known as an orbuculum or crystal sphere, legend has it that a crystal ball is a fortune-telling object. But the use of crystal balls to predict the future is pseudoscience and there’s no evidence that they can validly predict the future. Time

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COVID-19 direction

COVID-19 update: Effective audits & remote work

COVID-19 — the coronavirus — has businesses around the world facing an unprecedented situation. First and foremost, we sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are safe and secure. Our current, shared situation certainly gives us pause and we recognize the importance of pulling through this together. This new working environment most likely means

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