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Ai Auditor

A paper boat on paper water, symbolizing whether or not programs like the AICPA Dynamic Audit Solution will hold water.
AI and technology

Will DAS (the Dynamic Audit Solution) change the audit industry?

The audit industry has seen a bit of a shakeup in the past few years. New technologies, regulator crackdowns, big firms acquiring and merging, and a general push for improved processes and a review of age-old standards are all signs of new things on the horizon for our industry. But while there was a lot

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Person moving to the future of audit
AI and technology

How the new SAS-142 audit evidence standard embraces technology and automation

A new audit evidence standard has been released by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that includes significant updates around how technology and automation can be leveraged throughout the audit process. Here, we’ll examine this standard and some of the most significant examples of how the AICPA has explicitly considered the applicability of

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Man using MindBridge to access financial risk
AI and technology

Assessing audit risk during engagements

Three ways Ai Auditor strengthens your audit planning The determination of where audit risks of material misstatement lie is a critical output of the audit planning process. Usually, identifying those risks is based on the auditors understanding of their client and the client’s operating environment. Auditors can now rely on a data-driven approach to better

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Race with one person left behind
AI and technology

Don’t get left behind: A case for adopting accounting software

Accounting software trends have impacted the accounting profession in big ways. And in my view, one of the greatest analogies of this impact, and even of the way our team at MindBridge delivers value to our clients, comes from Sam Daish, Head of AI and Data Science at Qrious. A story of three types of businesses  In

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Moving squares versus circles
AI and technology

How AI and data can power an effective audit plan

An effective audit starts with a solid audit plan. While the overall audit strategy and plan can vary between clients, an auditor will usually establish risk assessment procedures and a how-to response for the risk of material misstatement. The challenge is that sometimes, even the most thorough and comprehensive audit plans can still have gaps.

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